Bude at War 1940s Event – September 2017
I took a trip up to Bude in North Devon, for their ‘Bude at War’ Event. They had a flypast, and then the re-enactors did a recreation of a beach-storming exercise. The crowds watching really enjoyed that.
I then took a walk round to visit the displays but too a moment to enjoy the view over the beach from the cliffs.
….then I met up with guys and gals from the 4th Somerset Light Infantry….
Then I popped into to see the Photo Unit display. It was dark in this tent so the photo isn’t very good….
Then someone suggested I made some tea! What a cheek, I go to the NAAFI if I want tea.
And then we bumped into Stuart again. He really does seem to like these events!
And then just as we were leaving, I saw this huge gun. I was expecting jokes about possibly becoming a ‘Teddy Canonball’ but no!
It’s called ‘Pete’s Dragon’.
That’s all for now!
Harrow ‘Harry’ Bear